Medium Roast Ground
Designated with a green label, this roast boasts a rich taste, light acidity levels and features a delicious dark chocolate flavor. With a medium brown color and a non-oily surface, this roast possesses a robust body and a color balance more often noticed with a strong flavor.

Medium Dark Roast Ground
An orange label on the package means a medium dark roast Coffee Afrikano. Some oil shows on the bean surface producing a richer, darker color and a heavier body in comparison with medium roasts. The medium dark roast brims with freshness even prior to use.

Dark Roast Ground
This is a dark roasted beauty packaged with a red label. It shows as dark brown color or sometimes even almost black, where a shiny oil covers the bean surface. The coffee’s origin flavors get obscured by the roasting process flavors leaving a bitter and smoky taste. It is for those who like strong roasts.